The excitement of our last day of school 2023 came and passed so quickly. Each person shared their expectations and dreams of summer fun. We certainly hope those wishes became a reality for all. But what happens to the staff of LBS when the last student leaves for the summer break? First, there is a pause of silence and reflection of thankfulness for the successes of each student. This is followed by a brief emptiness as various thoughts surface such as, “I’ll sure miss being a part of their lives this summer.”
But reality returns enthusiastically. After all, what is a perk for being a teacher? We get summers off, right? A full schedule of summer activity ensues.
- Taking hikes or sitting at the ocean or in the woods near a stream tops my list. This is a great opportunity to catch up on reading. Some may be for pleasure but many are to prepare for the fall.
- As teachers still need to earn a salary, summer school is a great option. Why not teach? Isn’t that what teachers love to do. Add joy to their love from Hawaii as some do!
- Summer is also a great time to take classes. Whether it is for another degree or to learn a new skill, becoming a student ourselves encourages patience for our students while they acquire new skills.
- Planning for the fall is also at the top of the “To Do” list. This covers many aspects such as searching for new technology ideas, revamping our classroom supplies, developing better ways to teach a difficult concept, and more.
We love our summers and the new adventures that it brings. However, we eagerly look forward to seeing our students again this fall for another great year. See you soon!

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